This is a demo that will only connect to and Winsock-L archives.
There is some htm files included you can use as a help page for your users. The index is contents.htm.
Below is an example HTML page that you can use as a template for your own page.
You must use the same CLASSID and you must change the CODEBASE to your pages URL. eg ",0,0,1".,0,0,1 must stay exactly the same as above.
Below the example all the possible settings are explained.
CODEBASE - is the URL to the ByteCatcher cab file. It should be sitting on your server in the same directory as the web page.
ShowLog - This will either show or hide the log window where all the responses from the FTP server are displayed. Set this value to 1 for TRUE or 0 for FALSE.
LogOnAtStart - This will determine what type view will be displayed for the user to log on to the FTP server. The vales are 1 for TRUE or 0 for FALSE. If you set it to TRUE then you must also fill in the FTPServerURL. Together these vales will make the ByteCatcherX control log onto whatever URL you enter in the FTPServerURL. If you make this value FALSE then the user will be given a normal log on view. They can type in any URL they like or choose from the Address book.
FTPServerURL - This setting will only work if LogOnAtStart is TRUE. It allows you to enter a certain URL that you want all users to log on to. The user can't log onto any other address. eg the URL will log on and highlight our ByteCatcher FTP client file.
Address1 ... Address5 - These allow you to enter starting values you want users to see in their Address book. The format is the Address category followed by a comma followed by the URL. eg ByteCatcher FTP Client,
You can modify the settings manually using the above template to work from or you can use the Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad available from Microsoft.
If you wish to use the Microsoft ActiveX control pad you will need to register the ByteCatcher ocx file on your computer. Simply drag the ByteCatcher.ocx file on to the Regsvr32.exe file from Windows Explorer. Then ByteCatcher will appear in the list of ActiveX controls. Remember that the CODEBASE parameter still has to point to the file located at your URL.
If you need any help please email